
003What is satisfied? Is it a goal, is it a surprise, is it hard to get to the point of being satisfied? Are some people harder than others to satisfy? Can you satisfy anyone else or even yourself? What does it mean?

Satisfied: contented, pleased.  Satisfy: to fulfill the desires, expectations, needs, or demands of (a person, the mind, etc.); give full contentment to….

Yesterday, I was telling a friend that I was satisfied wherever I happened to be. If I am in this house, I don’t care if I ever return to the home place. If I am in the home place, I don’t care if I ever return to the rented place. That’s a peculiar feeling, but I find that I am content in either place and just can’t let go of one to seize onto the other. So, I go back and forth in indecision.

She had a totally different response. She told me that she had never been satisfied with anywhere she lived. Woe! Seriously? She has lived in some really nice places, always in comfortable homes that were above the average of her peers and the prettiest in her neighborhood. She had three car garages, when others settled for one, two or none. Not satisfied? What do you mean? The only place that “felt like home” to her was about 20 years ago. One home out of 6. She said she always invested lots of money to “make it more like she wanted”, but it never was enough to satisfy.

I am still puzzling over that short conversation. I want to understand it but I can’t.

What is satisfying to me, obviously, is not satisfying to others. Maybe, there is no way to satisfy two people in decision making? Is it possible that I am content between these two locations, because I chose them? Is that the point of satisfaction? If we choose it or not? Is there no way to be “satisfied” with someone else’s choice even when we have free rein to operate with little choices within the bigger choice of theirs?nightfall

Maybe. Is it the setting or the environment or the location or the appearance or just the fact that we have to make ourselves satisfied? If we could, wouldn’t we? Maybe, there is rhyme in the reason that I am “satisfied” in either location. Either I am easier to please, or I have reason to be satisfied. It’s an old teaching, to be content, be grateful, be happy with whatever you find yourself in or wherever you happen to be. (Hebrews 13:5  ….and be content with such things as ye have). Is it internal? Is the point of satisfaction a switch we turn inside ourselves and not something someone else can do for us? Is there any chance that someone else can “satisfy” us? Probably not. Because the truth is, no  one knows what pleases us, like we do. If we allow others to try, they will hit and miss. They will try, but the chances of success are all a gamble based on where we draw our own line of satisfaction.

If I leave or if I stay, I will be satisfied. It’s a win-win choice. What a nice feeling!!:)2008 SummerFall 024

It is an opportunity to allow yourself to see more in the place you are.