Last night, I dreamed about an owl. The scenery was beautiful, with a small meadowlike area with a cottage surrounded by trees, marsh grasses and water. I was walking away along a dirt path through a copse of trees holding the hand of a small child. I looked up as an owl was swooping down directly in front of us. He was headed straight towards us with his eyes trained on mine, lifting up inches in front of my face. I could feel the wind in his feathers. He circled and repeated the swooping and lifting action. I lost count of how many times he appeared before me and passed directly over the top of my head. The feeling was more wonder and amazement, but there was a moment when I paused to be concerned for the child. What if the owl didn’t execute his graceful movements with perfection? What if he didn’t lift and soar at just the right moment? Would he hurt the child, even if by accident? It was a momentary concern and easily dispelled as he crossed my vision twice more as I contemplated it. Nope. He was a natural at aviation with eyes as sharp as diamonds. What was he trying to say?Today, I woke up wondering some more. So, I looked up what it means to have an owl visit. According to Native American medicine, the Owl symbolizes silent movement, mystery, secrets, wisdom, clairvoyance, seeing the unseen. They often refer to him as “Night Eagle”.
If owl appears, it’s message is to pay attention to your dreams and feelings to follow your intuition. Focus on your intentions and move swiftly toward your goals and objectives. Be silent and conserve your energy until you are ready to act with undivided attention. Explore discernment and self-knowledge, confront fears and confusion, do not fear the unknown, explore your inner world with confidence. Native American tribes viewed the Owl as a protector and wore the feathers as a ritual to guard against evil spirits.
To the Cherokee, the number seven represents the height of purity and sacredness, a difficult level to attain. It was believed that only the owl and cougar had attained this level and thus have always had a special meaning to the Cherokee. Hmm….I consider “7” to be my lucky number and have since childhood. I wrote about that in my post on “lucky”.:)
To the Greeks, Owl is a symbol of Athene who is goddess of foresight and knowledge. They used the image of owl on their coins. As a nocturnal creature, owl is symbolic of inner knowing and intuition.
Owl: wisdom, insight, psychic vision
If an owl has visited you, an incredible gift has been bestowed. Animals are only called to those who share the same energy. From the reading, it seems that I could embrace some of the same symbolic qualities of the owl, like the ability to know things that others do not know or being strong-willed with a protective nature.
OK, I accept the symbolism. Why? Because I have had a strong hunch, intuition, inner-knowing how I should invest my 401K funds. I have known for six months to a full year and took action to move them. However, I have listened to other people who seemed to be in a position to “know” more and lost money right where I “knew” I shouldn’t put it. Recently, I was given a strong inclination to pursue an “opportunity”. I am absolutely sure, I would be in better position if I had listened to myself. That’s the “knowing” aspect that needs to be reinforced.
The second half of this is separating the dreams and feelings of de ja vu. Just two days ago, I got a message from the local fire chief of a historic farm house burning to the ground in a secluded rural setting. I wasn’t surprised. It was as if I had already heard this news. I called him back to ask…did they have a recent scare like smoke damage or something similar that you have mentioned to me in the last year? No, he didn’t recall anything.
Two years ago, the blue heron arrived to help me move ahead with major life changes. Today, the owl dream will help me trust my own inner wisdom and insights. When I get the final word on the real estate deal I set in motion two weeks ago, I will proceed with confidence. In the interim, I have questioned my own self. I acted when the information arrived, quite by accident. Or are there any real accidents? Why would I do this? What was I thinking? Where will this lead? I do not have the answers to all the questions my friends pose, but I will. My heart says it will be a response to the returning soldiers and meet some kind of health need. There is nothing else, just feathers and strong purposeful movement floating about in my mind. I have no answer beyond doing what I know to do today.
There is always an answer, right when you need it. It was with you all along, but you had your attention elsewhere. That’s my take home message- trust your inner soul’s vision and follow your heart’s essence!!!
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