
Summer 2015 695

One of these small boats will capsize, it’s just a matter of time. If they crash into each other, that moves up to the level of an accident since it was an unintended event.

Defined by Merriam Webster as: a sudden event (such as a crash) that is not planned or intended and that causes damage or injury : an event that is not planned or intended : an event that occurs by chance

Are there any accidents in the universe? I have heard “There are no accidents”. Some people believe that everything happens for a reason.  Surely, we can trust Oprah!1977258_346317715551972_7156104375715246394_n

What is the take home from an accident? Does it stop you in your tracks? Are you somewhere you don’t need to be? Are you doing things that distract you?

Would we have more accidents if we didn’t have interventions or unconscious little voices warning us to avoid certain areas, people or activities?  You have heard people say, “If I hadn’t stopped for gas, I would have been right in the middle of that traffic pile up”. Do we have more near misses than we realize?

What does it mean when you have a lot of them back to back? Anything? Nothing? Something in particular? There is no way to undo one, that’s for sure. They do change your attitude and make you realize that anything can happen at anytime.

According to Matt Slick, from the Christian perspective, everything does happen for a reason. The Bible says that God, “…works all things after the counsel of His will” (Eph. 1:11). This means every event that occurs does so according to God’s plan. God is not arbitrary. He knows all things (1 John 3:20), and from the time he created the universe, he has known how all things would occur due to his either having ordained them or allowed them. Therefore, everything that God permits to occur he permits for a reason, whether good or bad (Acts 4:27-28). We may not always know what the reason is, but as Christians we must trust that God’s ways are above our ways (Isaiah 55:9) and that the Lord is directing our steps (Proverbs 16:9).

People of different faiths and perspectives put their own spin on them. One of my friends responded to the news that I had tripped and fallen breaking a bone with, ” well, that must be your karma”. They asked me “Have you tripped up anyone?” No, not that I recalled.

So, they do make you think. Think about where you were, what happened and how it changed things. If it didn’t change anything, then, I guess it meant nothing.  If you had already planned to make a change and delaying allowed the opportunity for you to be vulnerable to an accident, perhaps you will make changes you know are right- faster!!

Every day is a new day!7612_309594675890943_3403087782519120728_n