Decisions Decisions

Nutrientlogix 1


What is a decision? Let’s ask Merriam Webster.

: a choice that you make about something after thinking about it 

: the ability to make choices quickly and confidently

: the particular end of a legal or official argument : a legal or official judgment

Osprey 2What if you change your mind like the wind? Is it indecisive or at worst capricious? Why do these osprey decide to nest there and how does he decide which twigs to bring back? Is deciding really supposed to be this hard? Can we overthink things?

It seems like decision making comes naturally to some people. Wish I was one of them!

If decisions are “the act of deciding”, what is deciding?

a :  to make a final choice or judgment about <decide what to do>

b :  to select as a course of action —used with an infinitive <decided to go>

c :  to infer on the basis of evidence :  conclude <they decided that he was right>
Ah Ha- decide on a course of action. Stay or go? Decide what to do- what’s next?
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How do these boaters decide how to change their sails or adjust to the wind?
Is it easier to sail if you don’t mind making a quick decision? Is life easier if you make up your mind faster and with more confidence? Nothing really changes in the end. Sometimes you already know what you are going to do, but keep thinking there is a decision to make or you might do something different. Why do we put ourselves through this process? Just make up your mind and move on!! There is no room for hindsight. 🙂

Sailing race