Intuition: When you don’t know How you know….. But you know you know …
I remember talking to “Pirate Bill”, retired Army major, rocket scientist, computer genius, charmer of the seas, who I met after he bought a 1974 32 foot Westsail, named Galena and was heading out to sail around the world. When…
Table manners
Families used to have the children set the table for special occasions like this. Schools used to teach the proper way to set the table, in kindergarten or later in Home Economics. We don’t even teach Home Ec anymore and…
Ah, family. The sweet sight of two geese parents with their new goslings. Look how protective they are. Those little fellows will be following mama while papa brings up the rear in a family troop of five when they start…
Nurses Day
Illustrating Perseverance in the Bible by Dr. Robert Jeffress We need to persevere in investigating the Gen. Flynn take down by the FBI, the current mixed messages on treatments for Covid-19, the economic impact of trillions of dollars in loans,…