Daydream believer

  “Man can only become what he is able to consciously imagine.” – Dane Rudhyar Did you realize that our “daydream moments of mental wandering” can lead us exactly where we want to go, or at least provide a rough outline that we can then…

Afterwards and then

Wish you were still home for the holidays? Tucked away in a snow bank, sipping hot chocolate? Dragging today?  Wonder why time moves so fast when you are having fun and drags along “after” you have had all that fun? The…

International ideas!

I am responding to comments received on two of my columns. One of my decisions is to pay more attention to my comment files. As I mentioned, a lot of the “comment” is automatic trackback by websites seeking to promote their product…

Waiting in line

Waiting is such sweet torture! I’m very happy with the service and the quality and i recommend your website to my friends whenever i get the chance. Online canadian pharmacy? Canadian drugs are only shipped from our affiliated Canadian dispensary….

Respond to them?

Heart of gold? No, just aquamarine! I started “talking to myself” as I think of it, or rather capturing my thoughts on electronic form here in 2011.  I admit, I am a novice and had help getting this set up. It…


Keeps me regular, and, I think, makes me sleep a little better as well. Canadian viagra? If you have a good relationship with your pharmacist, let him know your concerns about drug costs.   Giving thanks. Thanks giving. Thanksgiving Day….


Have you ever had a “misunderstanding”? Did it start small and balloon? Good product and long expiration date; arrived quickly. Generic cialis? You are guaranteed to find our products safe and best for your purposes. Do they always start with…

cosmic cocktail

We are a recipe created by all of our DNA past, it controls everything from our emotions, how we respond to things , our sensibility and our reasoning to our innate levels of happiness. We are blended in a mixture of…

la la land

La la land is a phrase that I think means “out to lunch” “gone fishing”  or OTF ( out there flapping). It’s not fairy tale land, but close. I think of this when someone is not in sync, doesn’t grasp…

free spirit

This one of the best products in the market with the added value that refrigeration is not necessary. Generic levitra without prescription! Each of these medications are Indian FDA approved and are internationally certified, so you know our products are…