view of nothing

Nothing as far as the eye can see

Have you ever received a phone text and responded “got nothing here”. What does that mean? Well, from my experience, it is usually a comment from a man and means there is nothing new or nothing to share or nothing going on with them at the present time. You checked in with them and its a good report. That’s right, sometimes, nothing is good!

Have you ever heard someone say, ‘They just go on and on about nothing”. Well, that is usually a comment on a woman who talks incessantly about things that no one cares about or wants to hear more on. This is typical of some health concern that is of no consequence or self limiting, often discussed in great detail by both sexes.  My father absolutely loved watching Seinfield every week in his “show about nothing”. Can you imagine that a syndicated TV show that lasted 9 seasons was based on “nothing”?

Have you ever been told “good job, especially with no information”. I am chuckling to myself because the Commodore of the Sailing Club that I am writing a monthly entry for sent me that direct quote. Why? Because I had a draft entry for February that included upcoming events in March. The only problem: the committee had not scheduled anything for 2014 yet. I couldn’t make them hurry up for my deadline. In that situation, I had to go into feeling mode ( no facts or dates) and share how it feels to be a boat owner in the dead of winter when snow, ice and cold temperatures reign. It only requires 100 words, so you all know that was no problem. In fact, I almost felt a little offended within myself, when I thought…..if they only knew how difficult it is for me to stay within the prescribed limitations of those 100 words when we really have news or dates to share!!!:)  A great photo of our Commodore snuggled warmly in coat, hat, gloves, with friends and hot drinks sailing along the Bay on NYs Day was a super non-verbal shot of what I was trying to convey.  Sailors love sailing, regardless of the season and in spite of the schedules!! There is always something good to report.

Another way of viewing “nothing” is how we change something into nothing, or nothing into something, with our attitudes and reactions.  What happens when you have someone close go “radio silent” for 24-48 hours. It’s not what you are used to. You first try harder to contact them. Then, you start worrying. Then, you have two choices. 1. Trust all is well and wait. 2. Check all the hospitals and their friends and their work and their _____.  Which one is it usually? Nothing. Right, nothing is wrong, except your reaction. Sometimes, people just need to have “nothing” ….no calls, no visits, no human contact, no words, no sounds, no movement…..”nothing” to restore their center and return renewed. Nothing happened on their end. Everything – all the negative attitude and negative responses- were on your side. Of course, they were inconsiderate for not giving you a “here comes nothing” heads up, but how can we choose nothing when we are in the midst of explaining it? It’s impossible…that defeats the whole purpose ( chuckle).

What happens when we view things differently? I know I have an esoteric view. I am aware that I don’t subscribe to traditional viewpoints or have a sensitivity to what “everybody expects”. In fact, that’s where I like to stand firm. I don’t expect anything. I am constantly amazed at the good and totally withstand the bad.

Ever heard of this book Antifragility?

Nassim Nicholas Taleb has devoted his life to problems of uncertainty, probability, and knowledge. He proposes that being antifragile allows us to be better and better with the uncertainties of life. The Taleb personal website is random and surprising. He likes moderate unpredictability.

Friends, a summary wish to everyone here for 2014: the preservation of your most important attribute and the most significant and most threatened human asset, MENTAL CLARITY. ( Taleb, 2014) Nassim Taleb  He advocates randomness.

I feel pretty sure, he would view my ‘view of nothing’ as something!!

What is a “view of nothing”?  Its a viewpoint. Its a place we position our thoughts. We choose what we raise to the level of “something” or reduce to nothing. Hopefully, you can become more tolerant of how everyone else views their world. And transparent in how you view yours!