This week, Pastor John Hagee is calling everyone to a week of prayer for our nation and the world.
In these verses, God instructs His people to pray, to earnestly seek forgiveness and turn from their sin. And when we do this and call upon the name of God, He will hear our prayers. Church, He is telling us exactly what we need to do to heal our land!
For the next seven days, I am asking you to pray for America. Ask God to forgive us of our sins and to heal our land. Pray that our government officials would submit themselves to God and give us godly leadership. And as we pray, we will leave these requests in God’s hands to do with as He chooses.
Pray together with me each day this week:
Our Father which art in heaven, I bless your Holy Name. I praise You for Your loving kindness. I praise You for Your mercy. I praise You for Your amazing grace. I praise You that You are with us in this storm. I praise You for protecting me and my family in this national crisis. No plague shall come neigh my dwelling. You are my hope. You are my defender. You are my deliverer. You are my great physician. Keep us safe until the storm passes by. Your loving kindness is better than life. In the name of Jesus, who is Christ and Lord, amen.
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