
Kind is the first word to define gracious.

A gracious woman lays hold of respect and receives grace by faith. The Hebrew word for gracious is not just for the present but for the future. We keep making gracious choices. Respect is what follows when we are friendly, courteous and kind.  Renew your mind and overcome the images of loud, aggressive, domineering women. That is the exact opposite of the truth.
Matthew 7:13 Enter by the narrow gate. Guard against the secular mindset. Don’t be like the world. Don’t act like them, don’t react like them, don’t live like them. Study the word of God until you start to think like God. When you are wrong, change the way you think and receive the wisdom and go forth transformed through the viewpoint of God.
Romans 12:2  You will know the will of God for you. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world. Think from God’s perspective. They you will learn the good, pleasing and perfect will of God.

Esther was the ultimate, brave, strong woman and God used her voice and influence to save a nation.

A gracious woman earns a voice to declare His good ness and increases your realm of influence. When Esther was promoted to Queen, she earned respect. Esther 2:15, she requested nothing except what the King’s enuch advised. God gave her favor and promoted her to the highest place. She was humble in heart, a god fearing believer and listened to God. When God gives you a purpose, you must choose it. Esther’s uncle Mordecai said, go to the King. Esther said, If I go before the King without a request, I may be killed. Mordecai said, if you remain silent, relief will arise from another source but you and your father’s house will not be blessed.

Its time for us- to speak up. When the world is shouting at the church for what a strong woman is- we need to use our voice for such a time as this. Draw the line in the sand and commit to be a gracious woman of God and stand for what is right.

A strong, courageous woman seeks God’s will in all she does, and God greatly blesses her.

Let’s remember what the Word says:

“The woman who fears the LORD [reverently worshiping, obeying, serving, and trusting Him with awe-filled respect], she shall be praised.” Proverbs 31:30b, AMP 

Christi Le Fevre