

Definition of goodness

1: the quality or state of being good
2used interjectionally or in phrases especially to express mild surprise or shock oh, my goodness !goodness knows
3: the nutritious, flavorful, or beneficial part of something
Recently, I have been thinking about the power of our words.  I am reminded to consider before I speak. Consider “Is it true?, Is it good?, Is it useful?”
This Sunday morning, the rector talked about the power of the tongue. The scripture said that some words are like touching your lips to hot coals. Every idle word- we will give an account of. What is an idle word? “Lacking worth or basis- vain”.
It was pleasant mixing up the “good” ingredients in this crustless quiche. Its nice to use coconut milk ( avoids inflammation of the  dairy products), organic eggs, sautéed onions & garlic in butter, steamed broccoli and some cheese, salt, pepper to round it out. It cooks at 350 degrees for an hour and comes out smelling divine. Just a little browned on top, it looks so pretty. I am ready for a slice.