What if you wish you went a different way?

  Isn’t this lovely? It’s a view of the sun setting over Moorea from Papeete Harbor, Tahiti. Where would you like to go? Does it matter who you go with? Should you choose the place or choose the person first? Should…

Happiness is a Choice

Happiness is waking up in the morning and having things you want to do and feeling good enough to do them. ( J.Kaempf) What’s your definition of happiness? Volumes have been written with Zen masters quoted! Being mindful and grateful in the present…

Rings of Friendship- Saturn Style

  Recently I realized that a friend whom I had considered using the old, “Detach with Love”, adage with may well be of the stellar constitution of my inner circle based on their meaningful response and some deeper reflection on my part. There…

Choosing or not choosing..is making educated decisions your choice?

Do you feel excitement or fear when faced with decisions? Choosing not to choose is a choice. The time to choose may pass by and you have made a passive choice, to let it. “Choosing is a creative process, one through…

Being "at one" with Nature

“The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.” – Frank Lloyd Wright Fallingwater is FLW’s masterpiece of design and engineering- a National Historic Landmark home that is cantilevered over a…

Joy of Living

Joie de vivre is a French phrase that means literally “joy of living.” It is defined in Webster as a “buoyant and keen enjoyment of life”. What causes each of us to feel fully alive and joyful? That is our…

Shifting Perspectives

Dr.Wayne Dyer has been a frequent guest on PBS and released his first feature film in 2009 called “The Shift”. What does this have to do with educated nutrition? In the associated CD series, he discussed how he changed his diet to…

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

What does the Japanese diet and the Atkins diet have in common? One is low in carbohydrate and high in fat, one is high in carbohydrates and low in fat. Why do both work? They eliminate fructose. “Open your minds,…


How often does a supermoon occur? According to most estimates, it’s around once every 18 years.