Answering your own questions?

‘A good traveller has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.’ ~Lao Tzu Do you ever feel like your mind is running all over the place, like it’s filled by a herd of wild horses? You can’t think straight for the…

Finding one true love

Trust your hunches. They’re usually based on facts filed away just below the conscious level.– Dr. Joyce Brothers What is a true soulmate? What makes a great life partner? What kind of forever- one true love- relationship have you envisioned for…

When the same events, elicit different experiences

Has anyone ever listened to Delilah, Dr. Ruth, Dr. Laura, Dr. Phil, or any talk radio or talk show that focuses on conflict resolution or finding middle ground for different views of the same event? It seems to always come down to a…

A secret recipe

Has anyone ever had a dish so delicious, they were seized with an intense desire to know what made it so good? What if the waiter told you it was the chef’s secret recipe? What if you convinced the waiter to get…

New Year’s resolutions -secrets to success

13 The Ever Constant Sea “A child’s success in his or her 30s in measures of health, wealth and more can be predicted by how well they can control their impulses as early as age three, says a new study,…

It matters to the one who cares

What really matters to you? Here we are ~~ Santa is packing his sleigh, reindeer are prancing, and people are pacing the stores for just the right “gift”. Have you ever given someone a gift and wondered if they really…

Worst thing that ever happened to you- really?

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness; it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity; it was the season…

Stepping out of the shadows

“Self-reverence, self-knowledge, self-control. These three alone lead to sovereign power.” – Alfred Tennyson Quoting a famous poet, known for writing poems about creatures lost in half-life, and/or people taking decisive, heroic action that leads to their doom, think about “The Lady of…

Living longer and better~~in relationships

Love and intimacy are greater indicators of longevity than any other well known “risk factors” and the best decision you can make for your health ~ both in quality and length of life. Data across 308,849 individuals, followed for an average of 7.5 years,…

Rainbows and Reality

Isn’t believing in your dreams and finding comfort in nature’s reminders a better choicethan having no dreams, being cynical or unmoved by life’s wonders? Would you beable to claim it- a place where there isn’t any trouble, where your life’s footprint is evident,…