self actualization

Self actualization is defined as: realization of one’s full potential. Being your unique self- as the Army used to say- Be all that you can be. real cialis online Gowan synthesized the best research on consciousness and development toward  self-actualization, which Maslow defined…

Are your chickens coming home to roost?

Usually, if your chickens are coming home to roost, its symbolic of things that you have done that are coming back to present themselves. In essence, your past is coming back to your present. It is a reckoning. You had these little…


As a child, did you ever sit for hours with your friends in your front yard on a nice sunny day, picking through a clump of errant clover in an endless hunt for a “four leaf clover”? We did. I was always “lucky”. From childhood,…

What is a dreamweaver?

As a cubicle cohort leafed through a Plow and Hearth catalogue, she mentioned that her husband said he wanted this open firepit. She thumbed to the page and exclaimed over the price. Good grief, “maybe he would like this one just as well” as…


 Daytona Bike Week Flirting with danger? It sounds exciting at the time. That rush of adrenalin is almost like you can hear the music of “Highway to the Danger Zone” with Tom Cruise is ringing in your ears. You are gonna live…

Life of ease?

“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” – Marie…

Dying before you finish living- dead in the water?

Recently, just strolling along through life, I have been confronted with some living case scenarios that caused me pause.  Each of them might have seemed perfectly reasonable on the surface, but something about them seemed counterproductive. In each case, the very thing that…

Taking Stock

WATCH your THOUGHTS, for they become WORDS, which become ACTIONS, which become your CHARACTER, which becomes your DESTINY. Have you ever been so busy with your routine activities of daily living with little thought to how you may be perceived by others…

One life to live- but so many choices

Isn’t watching the sunrise a wonderful way to start the day? Of course, watching it set is a wonderful way to end your day…..Most of us catch one or the other, but not many of us get around to doing both-…

Who do you love?

Priority + Purpose + Passion = who you love, what you treasure, where you invest “you” Who or what, is your priority today? Is it someone else’s choice? Has someone brought a situation to your attention that has now elevated…