owl sightings

   Last night, I dreamed about an owl. The scenery was beautiful, with a small meadowlike area with a cottage surrounded by trees, marsh grasses and water. I was walking away along a dirt path through a copse of trees…

special days

Yesterday was 12/12/12. Some of us found it significant, some of us found it unremarkable, some of us found it “magical” and some of us found it just another Wednesday. cheap generic online viagra The big news was the Hurricane…


If you wait too long to make the right decisions, it won’t matter when you do. buy amoxil no prescription   This National Geographic photo- titled Infinity Pool, Singapore captures that feeling of wonder. Wondering what is over the edge?…

Enough money

What is money to you? How much is “enough money”? A recent public broadcasting program displayed a graph with the “disappearing middle class” from 1970 figures to present day 2012 figures. Their point: currently 400 people own half the nation’s…

friendly fire

The art of being wise is knowing what to overlook. William James The recent headlines look like a case of “friendly fire”. What else could fell a four star general in the heart of our nation’s capital? Is this justice in America? You…

Just like magic

“Just like magic, only real.” That’s the clever advertising line on a beer commercial. What? That has a nice ring, it sounds catchy and cool. I was stunned by the simplicity and clarity of 5 words used to sell a…

tough call

Have you ever seen or heard things that your first reaction to was “that just doesn’t make sense”? Who made that call? Why did they think that was ok? I have a prime example. Who knows where I saw grown…

too late, too anything?

It’s never too late to be what you might have been  — George Eliot alternative to tamoxifen Can you be too old or too heavy for knee surgery? No, not according to a highly skilled and person-centered orthopedic surgeon in a…

If I didn't know better

purchase viagra usa Well, what does that mean? It implies that we do know better. We are better. Or we could be?Or we should be? If we choose to be? If we know better, do we choose better? Do we choose…


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