In your hands
A friend called to tell me about an epiphany she had after spending a frustrating morning with her 16 yr old daughter. As the story started out, I thought, well this is just classic teenage girl stuff. We have all…

Time in a Bottle
I want to remind a special 39 year old that each year, there is the same amount of time. Use it wisely. Forty plus years ago, Jim Croce sang soulfully about capturing time. Time in a Bottle- imagine if you…

Perseverance Pays
Perseverance is defined as: steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success. Synonyms: tenacity, determination, staying power, persistence Grit= passion + perseverance “Don’t give up when the cookie crumbles”. There’s a special ingredient in Mrs. Fields’ cookies that…

dream dodger
As usual, I had some things on my mind and just came up with a title for the feeling.It feels like I am seeing my dreams arriving like the promise of a rainbow- only I feel turned around and like…
Tiny houses- what gives?
Have you been watching HGTV- Tiny House Hunters? What about Treehouse Masters? If a 34 ft sailboat has about 125 sq ft of living space and a tiny house, RV or tree house have the same, what makes them different?…

Real world
Welcome to the real world. How does that song go? Today, I was driving my mother around at the beach and she told me that I was “not like my sister” ( who I am like ) and that I…

P.O. Boxes
Have you been following the USPS story? Latest headline, “The U.S. Postal Service made a strong first impression in fiscal 2016, marking the second consecutive year in which it posted a billion-dollar profit.” It wasn’t too long ago that folks…
trip dread
Have you ever scheduled a trip and as the time to leave came closer, you got more anxious than happy? Trip dread. It’s the wish to be there already, without the effort it takes to get there. You want what…
Dirt roads
A friend and I were reminiscing today and he mentioned green stamps, greyhounds and dirt roads were in some of his favorite memories. Well, if you never grew up in a rural area or are not old enough to remember…
“Man can live 4 weeks without food, 4 days without water, 4 minutes without air, but only 4 seconds without hope!” What is hope? I would agree that it outranks food, water and air. According to Merriam Webster, hope is…