Grinch – Noise Noise Noise Noise Noise! – YouTube As the old Grinch said, “All those Who Girls and Boys will wake bright and early…..they will rush for their toys….all the Noise, Noise, Noise……..there is one thing I hate…..all the…
Christmas Cat
Who is your favorite cat? Yogi Why is he your favorite? He is very thoughtful and considerate. Do you see how he is sitting on the edge of the table? If he jumps on the bed with you, he stays…

Merriam Webster defines worry as : mental distress or agitation resulting from concern usually for something impending or anticipated :anxiety. “Worry is a down payment on a problem you may never have.” “80% of people’s problems are about how they…

indomitable spirit
Today, I heard myself tell someone that I had turned my “indomitable spirit” and all my energy toward “me”. I tried spelling it three times and finally looked it up in Merriam Webster. I thought it was spelled indominateable- that…

Hippo……is that hippo- like hippopotamus. Sounds like it should be a prefix for “big”. That orange one in the photograph- was the biggest jack we had on site. It was helping hold up a 24×48 barn and doing the job…

Hope’s Key
More and more professionals in heath care are coming to a better understanding of how childhood abuse or lifetime traumas change the brain, change behaviors, change their experiences of situations, change their view of their world and cause them to…

Your palm
What are you holding in the palm of your hand? There are songs about being safe in the palm of His hand. These are the words to one of them….. 1. When the storms are raging I’ll not be afraid….

little moments
Ahh, Little Moments, like watching three kids searching for shells. Do you remember the Brad Paisley song? It goes something like this, Yes… I… live for …little moments…like that. About a year ago, I started thinking about a family photo. I…

(1) : of, relating to, or composed of shepherds or herdsmena pastoral people, seminomadic in their habits — J. M. Mogey(2) : devoted to or based on livestock raising a pastoral economy b : of or relating to the countryside : not urban a pastoral settingc : portraying or expressive of the life of…

5 peace stealers
Peace is freedom from disturbance; quiet and tranquility. “you can while away an hour or two in peace and seclusion”. Synonyms are tranquility, calm, restfulness, peace and quiet, peacefulness, quiet, quietness. Mental calm and serenity. Equanimity, composure, ease, contentment, “peace…