Vital Reds
Have you heard of “Vital Reds”? Well, this looks like what the words imply, but “Vital Reds” are actually a powder concoction in a red berry flavored color. Dr. Gundry describes it as, “This revolutionary formula combines the power…

What is a grinchy kind of day? It’s one where everything does NOT go your way!! Imagine, you are eating some spice drops and off pops your crown. Not only is it gone, but you swallowed it. Imagine, you are…
Abraham Lincoln said, “Everyone over 40 is responsible for their own face.” Do you know people who are always smiling, no matter what they are dealing with? Do you know others who look like a walking thundercloud despite having…

sand trees
Walking on the beach in Florida, I spied these unusual patterns in the damp sand. The tide had receded enough to see nature’s artwork. I walked over the area several times and then I saw it. See it you do….

Blue herons are my favorite birds. I hear them and I smile. Far from a beautiful voice or musical sound like a canary, they squawk and make an awful sound. However, I know they are there. It is who they…

frac·tious adjective (typically of children) irritable and quarrelsome. synonyms: grumpy, bad-tempered, irascible, irritable, crotchety, grouchy, cantankerous, short-tempered, tetchy, testy, curmudgeonly, ill-tempered, ill-humored, peevish, cross, waspish, crabby, crusty, prickly, touchy;snappish, cranky, ornery My best friend said, “Every time I would get…

What colors are you drawn to? Do you like jewels? Do you have any of the Dominican Republic Larimar stones or aqua blue or dolphin stones? They are very popular at the beach. Cool colors. Children are creative purveyors of color….
rabbit hole
Alice: “How long is forever?” White rabbit: “Sometimes, just one second” What did Alice in Wonderland discover when she fell down the proverbial rabbit hole? A Hallmark movie had a line where a singer was dropped by her label and…

Intermittent fasting and ketosis are linked to reduced disease in humans. This is not new- by any means. Most religious endorse fasting- Lent and Ramadan are examples. There are many references to fasting in the Bible. 40 according to this…
What Does That Mean
This site has lots of choices and they really understand the appeal of historic homes. http://www.historicproperties.com/about.htm If a building becomes historic when it marks 50 years of existence, does a movie become “historic” or classic at that point? Very impresive…