
When you see this, what do you think?

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Do you think art, body image issues, pain, personal expression, or wonder why?

If you look around, colorful people are everywhere. Some have said, I use colorful speech or words with lots of hues. Some people have colorful personalities and some folks have colorful bodies and some live colorful lives.

Do some people live in richer color because they experience a wider palette of feelings? Could this be their way of trying to express their perception?

What about the Colorful Realm?

“What we are witnessing on the front is due in considerable part to what’s going on behind the surface of the painting,” Lippit said. “There’s a strategic process … to create an effect of a kind of subterranean glow and inner life to the work.”

Isn’t this so true of what we find colorful about another person? It’s “due in considerable part to what’s going on behind the surface” of the person. If you look at the displays in this light, it’s truly remarkable and makes a lasting statement!

Getting what they are trying to say about themselves is not easy and its up to us if we wish to try. We may find something we didn’t expect beneath these surfaces.

We may discover something about ourselves we didn’t know and find more to like!