Explosive decisions

How did America reach this state of decline? By Christians standing by as the Supreme Court misinterpreted the constitution.

Explosive decision #1 in 1962 Engel v. Vitale prayer in schools was rule unconstitutional. Then Van Orden v. Perry, 545 U.S. 677 in 2005 said the 10 Commandments is removed from the public square.  Now they forbid the mention of God in the public square. The reason for removing the 10 Commandments “If the 10 Commandments are to have any effect at all, it will cause the school children to read them, meditate on them and respect and venerate them. If they respect them, they may obey them and that’s unconstitutional. Supreme Court” How bizarre.

You can’t post or even talk about the 10 Commandments in school. Did the constitution change? What changed is we have allowed the atheist and infidels to seize our country and we have to say enough to that.

Our country was founded as a Christian nation. About 50 yrs ago, starting in 1962- the secularist started an experiment. We are going to see if America can be “good” without God. We will just let everyone be free to decide what is right or wrong for himself. We are seeing without God, everything is permissible.

Explosive Decision #2 1973 Roe v Wade- more than 60 million children have been murdered in the womb. Now 1.3 million are killed in the womb each year. What does God say about that? Just look at how God dealt with Israel- his chosen people. When the went in the promised land and started worshiping Malek- Israelites would take their babies and burn them alive on the altar of Malek. God said, It would not have even entered my mind that you would do this. I will raise up the Babylonians- the terrorist of the day to enter the land and take you captive.

Explosive decision #3 – 2015- Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. 644,  ruled that the fundamental right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples by both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Now, watch what has happened.

The Hoover Institute has done a long term study of Scandinavian countries that legalized gay marriage. After 10 yrs, gays didn’t get married, but neither did heterosexuals. Once you counterfeit something, it cheapens it. In the last 2 yrs, the marriage rate has declined among heterosexuals to the lowest rate in 92 years. We know what happens to kids. SAT scores plummet, depression and drug abuse sky rocket. Government should be encouraging marriage instead of

Matthew 5:13 You are the salt of the earth. If the salt is tasteless, it is good for nothing and should be thrown out. Salt cannot prevent the decay of meat but it can delay the decay- giving it a longer shelf life. The reason Jesus left us in the world was to delay the decay. We have to penetrate the culture to delay the end. How do we push back against evil. Through the government officials we elect. We are facing a battle between good and evil between the kingdom of God and Satan. How often do we pray- thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We are working for your will to be done right now on earth.

Is it God’s will for his name to be outlawed from the public square and crosses to be taken off war memorials, is it Gods will – of course not, we have the power to stop it and we say enough- we are pushing back. That is what God calls us to do.

Matthew 5:14-16 You are a light on a hill. Don’t isolate yourself, or curse the darkness- confront the darkness with the light of God’s truth.

Dr. Robert Jeffers